The Chemical Laboratory is well equipped for all the laboratory dyeing & finishing treatments and chemical testing of wool and blends.
- Enzyme oriented solutions in eco-friendly processing for : a) Wool Scouring/Bleaching/Dyeing/Finishing b) De gumming/dyeing of Silk c) Dyeing of natural fibre blends of wool, silk & cotton.
- Methods to improve dyeing a) Wool, in the application of chrome dyes b) Wool/cotton single bath process for solid shades.
- Consultancy a) M/s Sided Colourchem in application & improved properties of metal free reactive dyes on wool b) Bhuttico Weavers Society (Kullu) to set up Dyeing & Finishing facility Centre for shawls and other woollens made from wool/Angora & pashmina.
- Completed Assignments a) UNDP assisted project on promotion of natural dyes in the decentralise sector. b) Training programmes for dyeing in the carpet, shawl and namda belts of the country c) Consultancy in setting up mini-scouring facilities for wool growing areas in different states like Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir d) Consultancy to Dharamsi Morarji Chemicals in developing dyeing auxiliaries.
Optimise processing parameters for Erisilk/wool yarns on worsted system to develop value added products.
Degummed eri silk cocoon was processed ( carding to final yarn on worsted and other systems. After analysis the results of the yarn parameters, bulk trials were conducted for yarn preparation. The products like tweeds, shawls, knitwears, lohies and suitings were developed at WRA with promising results.
Develop suitable mechinery for spinning of eri silk and its blends for cottage industry.
After studing the results of initial and bulk trials, miniature computer controlled flexible spinning system was developed. The trials were conducted using various blends of wool silk on this machine to get final product.
The various products have been assessed for performance with promising results.
R & D on value addition to Deccani wool
WRA has done the R & D component work relating to making blends from deccani wool, after making a survey of different types of wool being grown in the state Karnataka with non component fibre like PET, Nylon etc. so that products of better quality with value addition can be made. Aftermaking necessary trials at WRA, we have come to aconclusion that design & fabrication of a six spindle ring spinning frame with 4 over 4 drafting system would help to spin the blended fibre in the form of silver to at least 6-8 Nm ( count). This to take up the quality of deccani wool from kambal yarn to Lohi and shawl type fabrics & furnishing. The design & drawings are ready with WRA and most likely to be submitted to CWDB shortly for financial support to go ahead in the matter along with the implimentatiopn of mechanical processing facility at KSWDC for deccani wool.