The transfer of R & D findings and the transfer of adapted technology to the various entrepreneurs and related industries were covered under different HRD programs, Training programs, Courses, Awareness programs, Work shops, Seminars, Ph. D. Programmes, etc.
WRA has undertaken the training courses for members and non-members in quality test house, computer color matching and computer -aided designing and also in carpet manufacturing. WRA is running training courses on Physical and Chemical testing of wool and wool blended material, dyeing of wool, especially with natural dyes, scouring, bleaching, moth proofing, softening of wool and wool blended material, evaluation of carpets, carpet designing and weaving computer color matching, computer aided designing, computer aided knitting, dref spinning, jute spinning and fine wool spinning.
From 1963 to 1974, the association was at VJTI Textile Department, then from November, 1974 to June, 1980 at SASMIRA and from July, 1980 onwards at Thane to its own premises covering an area of 75,000 sq. yards.
The Diploma level course -"LTM - Wool" was started by Woollen Industries with the help of WRA at the Textile Department of VJTI, Mumbai. The course was initiated by Late Shri G.K. Singhania of M/s Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd., Thane, the then President of WRA, Prof. Mody, Secretary and Principal, VJTI and Shri.U.M. Patel, Director WRA, Indian Woollen Mills Federation and other members of the industries. Two classroom were provided by VJTI, Mumbai to conduct the Wool Technology course. The syllabus was approved by the Board of Technical Education, Maharashtra State for three years duration course titled as "LTM-Wool" with sandwich pattern. The intake capacity of the course was 15 to 20 students. The basic qualification required was S.S.C. In the final year of the course, inplant training was given to the students at different mills with stipend. Experienced personnel from Industry use to give lecturers as visiting faculty alongwith expertise from WRA. At that time also, Leeds University had shown interest in developing WRA for Wool Technology Course. Guidance was sought for preparing syllabus from the Leeds University. The LTM - Wool course was continued upto 1974.
Then WRA shifted to SASMIRA where WRA started the course - "Dyeing and Finishing of Wool. This course was continued upto 1983. The faculties from WRA were visiting SASMIRA to give the lectures for this course.
When Wool Research Association shifted to its own premises in 1980, it was attempted to start a course at own premises. The Carpet weaving programme was conducted at WRA premises for non-school going children with the stipend as remuneration from WRA.
National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Mumbai is conducting "The knitwear design and technology programme" since 1998 in Mumbai. At the end of this programme the students develop their individual design collections of 6-8 garments each based on specific themes. Knitwear design developments of three students were carried out at Wool Research Association during last three years (2000 - 2002) on Computerised Knitting & Designing System. Two of the students who developed their designs at WRA received the best commercial collection award during their Annual Collection Show. It is a remarkable achievement of WRA in the field of knitting designing.
a) Certificate Course In Instrumental Chemical Analysis
b) Certificate Course in Textile Testing and Quality Control
Besides that Wool Research Association also can conduct the training course as per the need of the industry either at WRA or at site.