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Completed Projects

Ministry of Textiles

1) Design and Development of sportswear and sports accessories having Thermo Physiological Comfort profiles in order to enhance the performance assessed by using a Sweating Thermal Manikin system under different environmental conditions.

2) Design & Development of light weight and high impact resistance sports goods.

3) Development of membrane bioreactors as a solution for compact, high quality effluent treatment to achieve zero-discharge for decentralized woollen and carpet sector and common facility centres in India.

4) Developments of Novel Detergent Formulation for wool with immobilized enzymes for enhancing machine washability of the wool fabric.

5) Development of active fitness clothing like gym and yoga wear with infrared thermal reflecting property to enhance body fitness.

6) Synthesis of water-soluble fluorescent colorants for high visible hydrophilic textile substrates.

7) Development of Sports gears(inner wears, socks bands, leggings etc. ) with controlled release microencapsulated natural essential, herbal oils for therapeutic benefits including protection of health, skincare and recovery of injuries and hygiene of sportsperson.

8) Synthesis of optical whiteners with good photo stability and improvements in the bleaching processes to produce photo stable bright white and pastel shades woollen casual fashion knitwear, sports and leisurewear products and carpets using Indian and other cheaper imported qualities of wool.

(A) Completed Projects ( 2017 -2018)

Projects Title Publications Patents For More Details
To develop an effective and eco-friendly electro flocculation technique to treat waste water effluent with high FOGs (Fats, oils & grease), metals and organic loads for woolen industry
  1. Neeraj Shrivastava, Jayant Udakhe, Smita Honade “Electrocoagulation as an alternative treatment for wastewater generated from scouring of merino wool”, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, Volume 34 Number 7, July 2014.
  2. Neeraj Shrivastava, Jayant Udakhe, Smita Honade, “Influence of Different Metal Electrodes on Electrocoagulation Process for Treatment of Disperse and Reactive Dye Wastewater”, International Dyer, Issue 8, 2013.
Indian Patent application no: 201821030132 Click Here
Development of waterproof breathable sportswear with desired functional properties by eco-friendly water based coating techniques
  1. Smita Honade, Jagadananda Behera, Achintya Samanta , Waterproof Breathable fabric: Characteristics & Techniques- WoolTech, Vol.3, Issue No.02, July 2013
  2. Smita Bait, Supriya Pandit, Mayur Basuk & Devvert Ruhela Effect of Curing Temperature on Development of Water Based Polyurethane Coated Polyester, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 5, Issue 4, Oct. – Dec. 2018,pp 967 – 973 (Impact factor 4.236)
Indian Patent application no: 201821030133 Click Here
Development and application of eco-friendly microencapsulated moth repellent and antimicrobial finish for Pashmina product in decentralized sector
  1. M. Basuk, S. Pandit; Eco friendly microencapsulated moth repellent and antimicrobial finish for Pashmina & Wool fabrics, paper accepted for publication in Melliand International , March 2019 issue
  2. Mayur Basuk & Jagadananda Behera, A review on woolen cloth’s moth and its remedies, Bangladesh Textile Today, Vol. 11, Issue 2 March 2018, page 68 -77
  3. Jayant Udakhe, Smita Honade, Neeraj Shrivastav, Fragrance Release and Moth Repellent Activity of Natural Essential Oils, Colourage LXI(5):33-38 · May 2014
Indian Patent application no: 201821030131 Click Here
Enhancement of moisture management properties of polyester, polyester/cellulose blend by surface modification using cellulose micro particles
  1. Smita Bait, Neeraj Shrivastava, Jagadananda Behera, Vijay Ramakrishnan, Amit dayal, Ganesh Jadhav, Development of sportswear with enhanced Moisture Management properties using cotton and regenerated cellulosic fibres, Indian Journal of Fibres and Textile Research (IJFTR)- Paper Accepted
  2. Mayur Basuk, Smita Bait, Effect of Plasma treatment on moisture management properties and drying behavior of Polyester and blend fabrics for sportswear application, Current Ttrends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, Vol. 3(5), 2018, pp 1-8
  3. Mayur Basuk, Smita Bait, Moisture Management properties of textiles and their evaluation, International Dyer, Issue 2,2018, pp 48-54
  4. Mayur Basuk, Smita Bait, Moisture Management properties of textiles and their evaluation, www.wtin.com
Indian Patent application no: 201821030129 Click Here
To design & develop evaporative cooling textiles Amit Sengupta, A synopsis on evaporative cooling garment, colourage, 2017 pp 34-40 Indian Patent Application no. 201821030134 Click Here
To Develop Light-Sensitive Photo-Chromic Smart Woollens by Sol-Gel Surface Coating Technology and Printing Method
  1. Amit Sengupta, Jaganand behara, Comprehensive view on characteristics & applications of Smart chromic textiles , Colourage, 2014, page no 42-52.
  2. Amit Sengupta, Jaganand behara, Light-sensitive smart colour changing textiles , Asian Textile Journal, 2014, page no 54-64.
  3. Amit Sengupta, Jaganand behara , Smart chromic colourants draw wide attention for the growth of future Intelligent textile materials , Journal of Advance Research in Manufacturing, Material Science & Metallurgical Engineering, Vol 1, issue 2, 2014, page no 89-119
Indian patent Application no: 201821027138 Click Here
Synthesis & Application of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Protective Functional Dyes for Textile Materials Smita Bait, Supriya Pandit, Suvidha Shinde ,Nagaiyan Sekar, and Ravindra Adivarekar, Synthesis and Application of UV Ray’s Protective Mono Azo Acid Dyes on Wool, Silk and Nylon, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research, Vol 5,issue 7, 2018,Page no 7-22 Indian patent Application no: 201821027145 Click Here
Development of innovative sportech products such as sailing clothes, ballooning fabrics, high adventure sportswear, tents etc. using low energy, environment friendly hot melt application for new entrepreneurs in sportech sector
  1. M. Basuk & Dr. Girish Kherdekar, A Synopsis on Coating & Lamination in Textiles: Process & Applications, Textile Value chain " March 2018
  2. M. Basuk, Fabric Lamination: Type, Defects & Remedial Measures, Dye Chem Pharma Business News ", April 2018, page 32-36
  3. M. Basuk & J. Behera, Enhancement of functional properties of textiles through lamination using hot melt coating and lamination technology, International Dyer & Technical Finisher, Issue 4, 2018.
Indian patent Application No. 201821038771 Click Here
To develop a smart indigenous sleeping bag with heating property for adventure/high altitude sports
  1. Shishir Tyagi, Chetan Mahajan “To develop a smart indigenous sleeping bag with active heating property for cold climates” International journal of modern trends in Engineering and Research , Volume 05, Issue No. 12, pages 1-7, December 2018
  2. Shishir Tyagi, Mechanism of heat and Physiological factors affecting thermal performance of Sleeping bag, WoolTech, Volume 04, Issue No. 02, Pages 06-08, April 2014
Indian Patent Application no. 201821030130 Click Here
Development of Keratin based Bio-composite films and electrospun nanofibrous mat from wool waste
  1. Chetan Mahajan, Girish Kherdekar, Anil kumar Sharma, “Development of Keratin Based Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) Electrospun Nanofibrous Mat from Wool Waste for Air Filtration. International journal of modern trends in Engineering and Research
  2. Chetan Mahajan, Girish Kherdekar, Anil kumar Sharma, “Development of Keratin Based Polyamide 6 (PA6) Electrospun Nanofibrous Mat from Wool Waste for Air Filtration. International journal of modern trends in Engineering and Research.
  3. Chetan Mahajan, Girish Kherdekar, Anil kumar Sharma, “Development of Keratin Based Chitosan Electrospun Nanofibrous Mat from Wool Waste for Air Filtration. International journal of modern trends in Engineering and Research
Indian Patent Application no: 201821027139 Click Here
Design & Development of high performance, multifunctional, protective sportswear for various sports Shishir Tyagi & Girish Kherdekar, Design and development of smart sportswear used for various sports, International journal of modern trends in Engineering and Research , Volume 04, Issue No. 11, 2017, page no. 95-100 Indian Patent Application no: 201821027148 Click Here

(B) Completed projects during Last 10 Years

1) To develop a multifunctional finish with anti bacterial deodorant, shrink resistant and improved dyeing properties by grafting wool with chitosan biopolymer for apparel grade woolen products.

Project Duration: 24 Month (October 2011- September 2013)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: Rs. 36, 36,000/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: -Wool Processing
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

The population explosion and the environmental pollution in the recent years have forced researchers to find new health and hygiene related products for the well being of mankind. Textiles find immense applications in day to day life and there has been a growing need to develop finishes for textile materials that can offer improved protection to the users from microbes (bacteria, moulds or fungi), good dimensional stability and better dyeing properties. Wool is natural fibre with a rather complex architecture. The intrinsic wool properties of felting and tendency to shrink are consequences of differential frictional effect of cuticle scales. Owing to increasing environmental legislation, the traditional methods for the shrink-resist treatment of wool, need to be revised because of the high AOX levels produced. This process can be replaced by chitosan (modified biopolymer obtained by deacetylation of chitin) application. Chitosan, which is a very useful non-toxic biopolymer, can be used as an effective antimicrobial finish and can also be used to increase the dye uptake of the fabrics. The chitosan application to wool fabrics before dyeing has two fold effects: One it improves the dye uptake of wool fabrics; the other is that it significantly improves the antimicrobial activity of the dyes. Recently much attention has been given on chitosan as a natural polymer due to its useful properties such as nontoxicity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, antimicrobial activity and chemical reactivity. Synthetic polymers suffer from the limitations of biocompatibility and biodegradability and therefore natural polymers are considered as ecofriendly substitute to synthetic polymer.

2) To impart superwash property to Indian wool and products through eco-friendly, non-corrosive technique using plasma technology, enzyme technology and natural biopolymers

Project Duration: 24 Month (30th March 2012- 28th February 2014)
Amount sanctioned by MOT, Govt. of India: Rs. 37, 64,600/-
Contact Person: Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: Wool Technology
Place of Research: Wool Research Association, Thane.

Abstract & Highlight: -

Wool apparels have an inherent property of shrinkage during aqueous washing due to its scaly surface. As a result, woollen garments are not machine washable as they shrink considerably during machine wash and thus is completely unacceptable to the consumers. Superwash is a term applied to wool that has been treated to be machine washable and thereby resist shrinkage and felting. Our aim is to develop a process which is completely chemical-free; therefore there are no corrosive chemicals used and no AOX generation. Our approach is to remove scales through plasma technology and enzyme technology and then mask the scales of wool fibres by biopolymer application.

3) To develop a pollution-free and Eco-friendly dry scouring process for raw wool.

Project Duration: 24 Month (October 2011- September 2013)

Amount sanctioned by MOT, Govt. of India: Rs. 30, 30,000/-
Contact Person: Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: Wool Technology
Place of Research: Wool Research Association, Thane.

Abstract & Highlight: -

Objectives of the project is to develop a new method of scouring of raw greasy wool utilizing fine powders and nano particles of grease adsorbing materials in an efficient and eco-friendly manner and to develop a laboratory model of dry scouring of raw wool.

4) Negative ion finishing for woolen carpets based on Nanoparticles of piezoelectric, pyroelectric and triboelectric series materials and FIR radiating ceramics to generate healthy environment for the users.

Project Duration: 24 Month (October 2011 – September 2013)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: Rs. 31, 65,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: -Wool Technology
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

Researchers believe that our moods, energy and health can be markedly improved through control of the electrical charges in the air we breathe. This current project employs both the technologies one is triboelectric based and second is natural crystals based negative ions generations on the carpet. As surface area of the carpet is very high after applying proposed finishing on the carpets it will attract positively charged dust as well as positive charged ions from the room in which it will be used and additionally will release negative ions from its surface, hence increasing the negative ion concentration in the room. This will help the people suffering from respiratory diseases. A new kind of finish for the carpet yarn will be developed.

5) Surface topographical finishing of Indian wools and their products (like carpets, woven & knitted fabrics) for imparting multiple functional properties by utilizing nano-clay and ceramic inorganic powders with ultrasonic and plasma technology

Project Duration: 24 Month (December 2010- November 2012)
Amount sanctioned by MOT, Govt. of India: Rs. 19, 00,664/-
Contact Person: Director,Wool Research Association Thane
Area of Research: Wool Technology
Place of Research: Wool Research Association Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

Though India produces a significant quantity of wool, the apparel sector in India is heavily dependent on imported wools due to some inherent limitations of Indian wools such as harsh handle, excessive shrinkage, susceptibility to microbial damage, UV degradation, etc. A new eco-friendly and innovative method is being developed under this project, for imparting multiple functional properties to wool such as shrinkage resistance, antibacterial properties, higher thermal resistance, UV resistance etc in a single stage by irradiating wool in a dispersion of nano particles in water / aq. polymer solution with ultrasonic waves. A pre-treatment of wool with air plasma under atmospheric pressure can further improve the efficacy of subsequent ultrasonic treatment in a synergistic way.

Research Findings

Conventional methods to make wool based textiles antibacterial, shrink resist, soft, static resistant etc. are costly, hazardous to environment and can also damage wool. The main objective of this project was to develop an entirely new eco-friendly and cost-effective process to impart multiple functional properties to wool fibres by using inorganic nano particles and improve the surface topography of wool fibres with the help of ultrasonic energy and plasma technology. To achieve this objective, experiments were conducted on wool in fibre form, fabric and carpet form. Thorough evaluation was carried out using SEM, AFM, FTIR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, FAST, etc. Wool fabrics treated with air plasma in a DBD reactor showed significant reduction in felting shrinkage, increase in thermal insulation value and hydrophilicity. Wool treated with ultrasonic energy and different inorganic materials showed better dimensional stability, resistance to bacteria, fungi and resistance to generation of static electricity.

The commercially available nano particles are very costly and are produced by several environmentally harmful and toxic chemicals. Hence, a new method was developed to synthesize metal nano particles in eco-friendly and cost-effective manner for textile applications. Nano particles of zinc oxide, silver, copper etc. were synthesized by using extracts of various medicinal herbs and plants. These were used to impart multiple functional properties to fibres in a single step. This process was scaled up to pilot level and later on industrial trials were successfully taken.

6) Enhancement of flame retardancy & soil repellency of wool through plasma technology

Project Duration: 24 Month (December 2010- November 2012)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: Rs. 20, 82,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane
Area of Research: -Wool Technology
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

This project is aimed to make the wool flame retardant & soil repellent through the grafting/polymerization by plasma, so that 100% wool can be used in flame retardant textiles like, for Interior decorative. Trails were taken on wool fabric using Atmospheric pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma along with chemical treatments (using Pad-Dry-Cure method). Plasma treatment was given to etched the hydrophobic surface (Epi-cuticle) of wool /fibre and to enhance the absorbency of flame retardant (Ortho-phosphorus based) chemicals and also to generate additional sites/ grafting over the surface of substrate (woolen fabric). Optimization of plasma treatment and chemical concentration has been carried out. Sncl4 along with Ammonium bifluoride (NH5F2) (in 1:3 ratio) on the woolen fabric gives the best result to enhance the flame Retardancy. Trails using organic nanoclay (cloisite) on Dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor using different gases also have been conducted. Tests for flame retardancy on wool through grafting have been done using vertical flame test. Flame retardancy of the wool using plasma through grafting has been achieved .Now trials are in progress for achieving the soil repellency of wool fabrics.

Research Findings

The LOI of wool fiber generally lie between 25-26, which is good as compared to other natural fibres but we can’t use 100% wool fiber in making flame retardant textiles like, for Interior decorative, in automotives, cushion covers, for carpets etc. for making all these products we have to mix the wool with inherent flame retardant material like Kevlar, basofil, FR polyester etc. These synthetic fibres produce health hazardous smoke while burning. Hence, our project aim was to make wool fiber inherently flame retardant & soil repellant as good as of FR synthetic fibres.

In this project plasma treatment on wool substrate was given using optimized plasma parameters and it was observed that Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) values of plasma treated fabrics subsequently treated with organo-phosphorus based FR chemicals were always higher than without plasma treated fabrics subsequently treated with organo-phosphorus based FR chemicals (using same chemical concentration). Similarly soil repellent properties of plasma treated fabrics were better than untreated fabrics. LOI values of washed fabrics were higher in case of Plasma treated + FR agent than without plasma treated + FR agent, i.e durability of chemicals on fabrics were much better in case of plasma treated fabrics than without plasma treated fabrics also 30% chemical consumption can be reduced using plasma treatment for the same LOI values.

Apart from the improved flame retardancy and soil repellency, some additional advantages using plasma were like-

  1. Plasma treated wool fabrics were completely hand-washable as per woolmark TM-31.
  2. Hydrophilicy of plasma treated wool fabrics was much higher.
  3. Only 1dip-nip is sufficient in padding in plasma treated wool fabrics while it was minimum 3 dip-nip required for without plasma treated fabrics.

7) To impart Antimicrobial & feel-fresh/ odour-less finish to woollen carpets

Project Duration: 24 Month (December 2010- November 2012)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: Rs.18,48,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: -Wool Technology
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane.

Abstract & Highlight: -

Carpets are essentially required to offer aesthetic appeal, elegance, comfort etc over a very long period of its useful existence. However, woollen carpets without proper finishing often exuberate foul smell, particularly in humid and warm climate, closed room without proper ventilation. A multifunctional finishing to the carpet using low cost raw chitosan biopolymer, silver nanoparticles and cyclodextrin encapsulated perfume oil for antimicrobial, odour less and feel fresh effect will be developed in this project.

Research Findings

Carpets are essentially required to offer aesthetic appeal, elegance, comfort etc over a very long period of its useful existence. However, woollen carpets without proper finishing often exuberate foul smell, particularly in humid and warm climate, closed room without proper ventilation. Besides, the carpets get damaged by carpet beetles and moth when confined to long storage. Generation of foul odour of Indian carpets while in use and damage by insects/moths pose great hindrance to the Indian carpet industry in the global competition market.

The project findings of this project will be helpful in tackling the problem of the odour caused due to bacteria. Use of permethrine as mothproofing agent is done in the industry. We have used natural essential oil extracts e.g. lavender, eucalyptus & citronella oil for moth proofing of carpet. We found that, these oils not only makes the carpet mothproof but also releases pleasant smell. We have developed the method of application of these oils on the carpet.

We have used chitosan biopolymer to impart antimicrobial properties to the carpets. It was found that, these carpets are 100% antimicrobial in nature and even if stored in damp condition for long time it doesn’t release foul odor which a characteristic of bacterial growth.

The above project findings are available for the implementation in carpet industry. The related industry can contact to Director, WRA for implementation of this project in their industry. We will be happy to serve the carpet industry with this R&D project.

8) Development of Internet Based Color Matching Facility for Small and Medium Dye Houses in the decentralized sector of the country

Project Duration: - 24 months (November 2010- October 2012)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 66, 61,000/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Color technology
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

High cost, imported Computer Color Matching Systems (CCM) are used in the organized sector of the Indian textile industry. However, the cost of CCM System is prohibitive as main components such as spectrophotometer and color matching software are very expensive for small and medium dye houses. Preparation of database requires a very good Lab facility and most of the dyeing units in India are not equipped with good laboratory facilities and color technology experts are not available to handle the color technology problems. Taking this into consideration, WRA would like to offer a very simple solution to small dye houses in India. The main objects are:

Instant color matching
Any time color matching (24 x 7)
Internet based color match service
Affordable color match service as a pckage deal

Dye House User will just require following things:

  1. They have to just use a hand-held spectrophotometer
  2. Access to Internet to get instant formula for any customer color on Any Time Matching (ATM) Basis.

(Just Click Anytime a button on the portable Color spectrophotometer, and input reflectance data into a web-page for the desired Matching. The custom formula is just another mouse click away.)

Research Findings

In recent years there have been increasing demands put on the dyeing industry to export fully finished fabrics and garment to the developed countries. Correct recipe prediction and its consistency is the major requirement in the export market. Today Colour measurement and colour control have become an integral part of any colour industry. Due to advanced colour software and spectrophotometer today colourist gets a very close recipe for any shade. High cost, imported Computer Colour Matching Systems (CCM) is used in the organized sector of the Indian textile industry. However, the cost of CCM System is very prohibitive as main components because spectrophotometer and colour matching software are very expensive for small and medium dye houses.

Taking this into consideration, WRA has successfully developed Information Technology linked colour matching facility WRACOLOURMATCH service which is available on www.wracolourmatch.com. WRACOLOURMATCH is a very simple and affordable colour matching service for small & medium dye houses in India. Through this service small and medium dye houses can predict recipe for any unknown shades by using extensive database on various substrates and dyestuff as per their requirement.

Functions of WRACOLOURMATCH service are

  • Recipe Prediction: To predict the recipe for any unknown shade with the wide variety of database with various substrates and dyestuff.
  • Colour Difference Assessment: To measure colour difference between standard and batch sample.
  • Whiteness & Yellowness Index Measurement: To measure whiteness and yellowness index of grey sample.

Main features of WRACOLOURMATCH service are

  • Instant Colour Matching.
  • Any Time Colour Matching.
  • Affordable Colour Match Service.
  • Low Cost Instrument.
  • Ready Database as per user requirement.

WRACOLOURMATCH is very simple and affordable colour matching service through internet for small and medium dye houses who cannot afford to buy very expensive colour matching system and do not have laboratory equipped with automatic dye dispensing machines and process control dyeing machines for preparing database. Through this service small and medium dye houses can predict recipe for any unknown shades by using extensive database on various substrates and dyestuff as per their requirement. In future more substrate will be added in the database and WRA will also prepare user specific database as per their requirement.

Currently WRACOLOURMATCH has following database files:

  1. Wool Blanket Shidimo Milling Dyes (10 dyes)
  2. Wool Blanket Clariant Milling Dyes (7 dyes)
  3. Wool Blanket Colourtex Milling Dyes (10 Dyes)
  4. Wool Blanket Dystar Milling Dyes (10 Dyes)
  5. Wool Blanket Acid Milling Dyes (37 Dyes)
  6. Wool Top Clariant Lanasyn Metal Complex Dyes (19 Dyes)
  7. Wool Top Dystar Isolan Metal Complex Dyes (19 Dyes)
  8. Wool Top Metal Complex Dyes (38 Dyes)
  9. Polyester Top Clariant Foron Dyes (12 Dyes)
  10. Polyester Top Dystar Dianix Dyes (14 Dyes)
  11. Polyester Top Disperse Dyes (26 Dyes)

9) To design a cost effective Effluent Treatment Plant for the decentralized woolen and carpet sector.

Project Duration: 24 Month (December 2010- November 2012)
Amount sanctioned by MOT, Govt. of India: Rs. 33, 61,000.00/-
Contact Person: Director,Wool Research Association, Thane
Area of Research: Environmental Science
Place of Research: Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

An effluent treatment plant design exclusively for woolen sector is becoming crucial due to the amount and characteristics of effluent it generates are so varied and different from cotton and other textile industry. The most vital aspect while designing such plant will be its lower cost of manufacturing and lower cost of treatment resulting in a very minimal increase in the product cost which is crucial as far as the small, decentralized plants are concerned.

Project findings

A number of approaches were attempted to achieve a cost-effective treatment plant. In terms of cost saving, anaerobic process were found to be most economical and environment friendly processes and successful implementation of this technology can lead to not only cost saving but also production of energy from waste. The energy value of wool grease makes them an ideal co-substrate to increase the economical feasibility of any anaerobic plants. However there are operational concerns which need to be taken care of while designing of plant and operation of existing plant. Our Designed Effluent Treatment Plant for the decentralized woollen and carpet sector consisted of an anaerobic digestion followed by chemical treatment followed by polishing treatments (aerobic treatment and sand filters and activated carbon treatment). This design can drastically reduce the operation cost. The aeration time can be drastically reduced from 48-72 hrs in conventional treatment to 12 hrs when used in aid to anaerobic processes. Our laboratory trial achieved the desired chemical oxygen demand level and biological demand level as per the guidelines of different pollution control boards before releasing it outside to any river or pond. Coagulation and flocculation are the main chemical treatments done in wastewater treatment. Chemical purchase for these processes are the main expenses incurred leading to increase in the cost of effluent treatment in any effluent or sewage treatment plants. Inorganic salts and chemicals used are inexpensive but are not as effective as polyelectrolytes and/or polymers in most of the cases. On the other hand, polymers and commercial coagulant formulations and chemicals are effective but expensive. Thus, in order to make the effluent treatment cost effective, a proper balance has to be established between the use of inorganic salts and chemicals and commercial products available. As the process of coagulation and flocculation depends on the quality of the effluent to be treated, thus for each plant, the chemical dosing rates and concentrations of these chemicals has to be optimized as per the characteristics of the effluent. Based on the overall characteristics of the effluent quality found in the decentralized woollen and carpet sector, we carried out the jar testing test and found that there could a saving of upto 30 % in chemical cost as compared to the current effluent systems. These results become vital for small decentralized woollen and carpet sector in order to achieve a cost effective effluent treatment system. Thus, using the right chemical dosing and concentrat ion and optimizing the mixing speed, it is possible to achieve cost effective chemical processes for effluent treatment. Another advantage is lesser amount of sludge production due to lesser use of chemicals, thus reducing the cost of sludge disposal. Also lesser chemical usage means water has lesser total dissolved solids and hence more reusable.

The above project findings are available for the implementation in industry. The related industry can contact to Director, WRA for implementation of this project in their industry. We will be happy to serve the industry with this R&D project.

The above project findings are available for the implementation in industry. The related industry can contact to Director, WRA for implementation of this project in their industry. We will be happy to serve the industry with this R&D project.

10) Blind dyeing of polyester and wool and their blends for Right First Time (RFT) and Right Every Time (RET) vis-à-vis finishing of woollen from Indian wool

Project Duration: - 24 Month (December 2009 –December-2011)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 27, 95,000/ -
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Textile Chemistry
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

Blind Dyeing is reproduction of exactly the same shade in bulk as in pilot plant or in laboratory and dyeing without midway addition or correction in bulk dyeing so as to maximize production. For competition in the international market, blind dyeing is the only way out for which various factors affecting the shade of wool and polyester tops need to be identified for the processing units in the specific zones. Under this project our team has conducted detail industrial survey in organized and decentralized woollen and polyester sector to identify various dyeing parameters affecting shade of wool and polyester. During our survey we observed that Quality of Substrate (Raw material), Selection of dyestuff, Weighing of substrate, Weighing of dyes, Material to liquor ratio, Dyebath additives (auxiliaries and chemical concentration), Dyeing Time, Dyeing Temperature, pH of dyebath, Quality of water supply, Effect of finishing treatment affects the dyeing shade significantly and are important parameters to be considered for the study of blind dyeing. Under this project we have developed a quality assurance program for woollen and polyester decentralised sector to pre-check shades before taking up for bulk production (RFT). If all the parameters mentioned in quality assurance program are strictly controlled one can get Right First Time (RFT) and Right Every Time (RET) dyeing from batch to batch even after a gap of several months to facilitate mix and match. Under this project we have also conducted few industrial dyeing trials for Blind dyeing. Our team has also prepared computer colour matching database for process houses.

Research findings

Quality assurance system has been developed for Right first time (RFT) and Right every time (RET) dyeing for wool and blends. Eleven factors affecting dyeing shades have been identified and their tolerance limits for getting close match between Decmc 0.7.

11) Softening of coarse Indian wools for better utilization in value added products with pliable feel & handle

Project Duration: 24 Month (December 2009 –December-2011)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: Rs.18,97,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane
Area of Research: -Wool Technology
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

Surface morphology of wool fibres have been studied using SEM and found that after oxidative treatment/oxidative followed by enzyme, the surface becomes smooth. Average fibre diameter reduces by 2-4 µm and for two stage processing Avg. fibre diameter reduces up to 5-6 µm and comfort factor increases by up to 4%. Mechanical properties of fibres fall up to 15-20 %. Critical buckling load for untreated wool was found to be 2251 mg. for oxidative treatment only, it reduces to around 1450 mg. Two stages processing further reduce this load to around 1100 mg. After fabric manufacturing three different types of softeners were used all were silicone based. It was found that application of these softeners increases the average rating from below 3 to above 3 for chemical treated fabrics. Plasma treatment was carried out in DBD plasma reactor using air as non polymerizing gas at 5 mm electrode spacing and 6 KV voltages across electrode. SEM images shows that surface of the plasma treated wool is slightly etched. Plasma treatment alone has found to have no effect on the hand value of the fabric. After plasma treatment when enzyme treatment was given the hand values were found to increase. And after application of softener to these samples hand values were found to increase above 2

Research findings

Softening of coarse Indian wool have been achieved through Dielectic barrier discharge plasma treatment followed by enzyme, polymer grafting and softener treatment. SEM studies have been carried out and the results interpreted The treated wool have considerable luster and soft handle.

12) Development of composites from coarse Indian wool for better utilization

Project Duration: - 24 month (October 2009- September 2011)
Amount Sanctioned by MOT, Govt. of India Rs. 24, 27,600.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane
Area of Research: - Technical Textile
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

India produces mainly coarse wool in the range of 30 microns to 150 micron. The coarsest wool available in the state of Maharashtra and North Karnataka amounts to 10 millionkgs per year. This wool has a very coarse micron value of around 50 micron average diameter. Owing to its very coarse nature, it cannot be converted into useful yarn on the spinning machine. Though, at the cottage level, certain amount of this wool is being spun into yarn by hand spinning, it suffers with many deficiencies in terms of yarn quality and heavy dropage level of 70% reducing the yarn yield to 30%. Heavy dropage of the fibres results in unsustainable economic stability of the wool growers. Therefore, if this unusable coarse wool is utilised in creative way to produce value added products, it would help the rural economy in a big way. Therefore, process to develop effective methods for utilization of these wools becomes doubly important, technologically by innovation and economically by uplifting the poverty of the wool growers. One of the most promising areas of application of these coarse fibers containing coarse wool fiber is the possibility of using them as the substrate materials in the composites. The project aims at the utilization of these fibers to develop value added materials like Electrical Board, Door Panels, Thermal Insulation Mats, False Ceiling, Vibration Damping Mats etc.

Research findings

Unusable coarse Deccani wool is utilised in creative way to produce value added products.We have develop value added materials like Electrical Board, Door Panels, Thermal Insulation Mats, False Ceiling, Vibration Damping Mats etc using the above wool. Developed Process and product is under consideration for Indian patent.

13) Improvement of pre-loom processes like scouring, spinning, etc. for decentralised wool sector

Project Duration: - 24 Month (October 2009 – September 2011)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: - Rs. 24, 56,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane
Area of Research: - Wool Textile Technology
Place of Research: -Wool Research Association, Thane.

Abstract & Highlight: -

There are some common facility centres and small scale sectors scattered in Rajasthan, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh etc., which are primarily involved in processing of local wool for scouring, carbonisation, carding, spinning, dyeing etc. But due to lack of proper technical knowledge of wool processing, and wrong practices during processing, the quality of end product gets deteriorated. Early stage processing of wool in the cluster areas need technological feedback on the soundness of scouring parameters like temperature, duration, detergent concentration etc on one hand and rapid acidification, neutralisation aspect as well as, carbonisation conditions for keeping alive fibre properties on the other. Similarly, the requirement of machinery and settings in carding and spinning from various mixed blends of wool with other natural and synthetic fibres needs relevant technological input. Such technological breakthrough can only emanate from R& D innovations. Action plan involving latest technological inputs, enzyme oriented chemical reactions, Ultrasonic technology in wet processing , an approach for spinning of 100% angora by imparting crimp on the fibre and eco-friendly approach and savings in energy and water consumption was put to implementation. To conclude the project work, carbonisation with the advent of rapid acidification with less corrosive acid pre-treated with enzymes and crushing arrangement with differential rollers fpor different types of burrs and 100% angora yarn processing with chemical treatment was achieved i n the project study.

Research findings

Recommendations for improvement of pre-loom processes like scouring, spinning, etc have been put forward for implementation in the decentralized sector. A laboratory model Ultrasonic wool scouring unit is designed and developed. The technology provides the reduction in chemicals consumptions for scouring. Artificial crimping of Angora fibre by chemical treatment has been carried out, improving spinning characteristics. 24 nm count has been spun with acceptable evenness.

14) To evolve a feasible alternative herbal carpet washing treatment

Project Duration: - 24 Month (October 2009 – September 2011)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: - Rs. 21, 56,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Chemical Processing
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane.

Abstract & Highlight: -

Indian hand knotted carpet industry is export oriented. The intrinsic beauty of an oriental carpet improves upon age with maturing of colours and softening of fibers on the pile surface. Advent of synthetic dyes made the colours on a carpet harsh and the chrome colours imported dullness to shades. Consequently, this gave rise to the practice of chemical washing of carpet so as to bleach strong reds to milder rose tones or sober maroon shades with an oriental look. Revival of natural dyes in carpet industry in recent years has the potential of increased export from this country with better value addition. But however, a carpet made from natural colours should not be subjected to the traditional chemical washing treatment using corrosive chemicals like acids, alkalis and bleaching solutions. The natural colours which are soft and soothing to the eyes are also very sensitive to these chemicals, hence it is necessary to evolve a herbal washing treatment for this carpet industry so as to improve the aesthetic and liveliness of the carpet. Even the carpets made of synthetic colours deserve a less severe finishing /chemical washing treatment than corrosive acids, caustic & bleaching powder.

The main objective of this project was to work out an eco-friendly, cost effective carpet washing treatment for carpets made with natural dyes. Second objective was to improve the conventionally followed chemical washing treatment for carpets by reducing the consumption of corrosive chemicals such as sulphuric acid, bleaching powder, caustic soda, both of which have been achieved.

Research findings

Alternative Herbal washing treatment has been developed, using non corrosive chemicals, Proteolytic enzymes. Enzymatic pretreatment followed by mild acid /alkali treatment provides good lustre and softness to the carpet.

15) To develop itch-free woollens to be worn next to the skin by improvement of surface topography of wool fibres with the help of mechanical /chemical processing and plasma.

Project Duration: 24 Month (October 2008- September 2010)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. Of India: Rs.34,68,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Wool Technology
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

Itching due to woollen garments worn next to skin can be attributed to prickling due to protruding coarse fibres and friction with skin due to sharp scales on wool fibre. To study the effect of yarn hairiness on the itching propensity of woollen knitwear, 2/24 Nm double yarn (23 µm wool) having hairiness index of 6.73, 6.98, 7.62, 7.95 & 8.37 were used for making knitwear and these knitwear were tested by wearer trials for itching propensity. It was found that, irrespective of yarn hairiness itching propensity of these knitwears were very high and these knitwears were found to be unbearable as next to skin innerwear. Itching propensity was found to increase with increase in the yarn hairiness index. Knitwear made from 2/24 Nm double yarn having yarn hairiness index 8.37 was further treated with 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% (owf) sebalkaline protease enzyme. Again the untreated knitwears were DBD plasma treated and further treatment was carried out with 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% (owf) sebalkaline protease enzyme. OFDA-100, SEM and tensile testing were carried out on the fibre samples from these knitwears to study change in average fibre diameter, surface morphology and mechanical properties along with critical buckling load respectively. These enzyme and plasma+enzyme treated knitwear were tested for itching propensity using wearer trials. It was found that enzyme treatement reduces the average fibre diameter, damages the scales, and reduces the mechanical properties along with critical buckling load. Plasma and enzyme treatment are found to work synergistically. It was found that, 4% and 5% enzyme treated and 3%, 4% and 5% plasma+enzyme treated knitwears becomes completely itch-free and can be worn next to skin, without wearing the intermediate cotton garment, this has been correlated with critical buckling load for these fibres which was found to be below 70 mg. Work done is under consideration for Indian patent and the application number is 1794/MUM/2011, Dated- 21-06-2011.

Research findings

Itch free woolens worn next to skin were developed using dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment, followed by enzyme, polymer and softener finish. Plasma treatment was carried out at fibre as well as fabric stage The itch free meets the requirements of the commercial felting shrinkage test and has better TIV value. Treated yarns produced should have higher braking strength and elongation.

16) Ultra sound assisted scouring and smooth finishing of wool and other specialty animal fibers and their products

Project Duration: - 24 Month (January 2009- December-2010)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: Rs. 19, 31,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Eco processing
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

WRA has developed an improved method for scouring of wool and other specialty animal fibres using ultrasonic technique. The ultrasonic method of scouring results in upto 25% saving in scouring time and temperature, and upto 33% saving in the chemical input. The upscaling of lab model trials at bulk level was carried out with the incorporation of ultrasonic tube resonators of 25 KHz, and 1KW output power. These transducers can be immersed into the scouring bowl or suspended in vertical or horizontal axis above the false bottom of scouring bowl. The continuous trials in bulk lot have yielded similar results as observed during the lab scale trials.

Research findings

Application of Ultrasonic technology in scouring raw wool offers efficient grease removal, lowering of temperature of scouring , reduction of required chemicals and improves the whiteness of the scoured wool.

17) Design and Development of Interior Textiles with special emphasis on heat resistance and flame retardancy.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (October 2008- September 2010)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: Rs.13,65,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Technical Textiles
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

Flame retardant textiles are the functional fabrics which have to meet certain functional properties such as aesthetic, dimensional, comfort, appearance & the last stringent property to meet is its flame retardant & flame proof characteristics during its usage period. Occurrence of tragedies have repeatedly upheld the use of flame retardant fabrics for interior textile application purpose to safe guard the life & property in various application fields such as cinema halls, hospitals, automotives. Specialty (interior) fabrics are textile products manufactured mainly for their performance and functional properties rather than for decorative. For this purpose mostly inherently flame retardant fibers are much in use. But as they are synthetic; they are lacking in comfort & aesthetic value & are not eco friendly as they can’t be disposed of easily after their usage. Considering these serious drawbacks Wool Research Association (WRA), Thane chose to work, to develop these functional interior textiles using naturally flame retardant wool fibers (100%) & also in blends with inherently flame retardant synthetic fibers in a minimal proportion for various application fields to meet both eco-friendliness & functional properties for interior textiles.

18) To assess Quality Norms of Worsted Yarns being made by Indian Industry

Project Duration: 12 month (October 2009- September 2010)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: Rs. 56, 00,000/-
Contact Person: Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: Wool Technology
Place of Research: Wool Research Association, Thane.

Abstract & Highlight: -

It is imperative now-a-days for the yarn manufacturer to produce consistent quality of yarn each time and every time to sustain in this globalization era. Indian worsted industry has potential to produce world compatible quality product by systematic optimization of raw martial selection, motivation for proper machine maintenance, and most importantly, sustenance of standard quality level, in pre-spinning processes. In the present scenario, all Indian worsted industries are having individual settings & standards, so it was difficult to judge quality parameters at national level. This research work was aimed for standardization of quality parameters at worsted industry level, so that quality can be judged and maintained prior to export. This work is expected to give a standard goal to be achieved by participating Indian worsted industry and help to assess their present status with respect to the quality level of final product. A guidelines booklet entitled “Quality Norms For Indian Worsted Industry” was brought out as publication, which is widely received and appreciated by the industry.

Research findings

Quality Norms for worsted yarn manufacuring have been developed and published the results have been well accepted by industry

19) To improve processing performance of finer Indian wools and their product range with incorporation of Enzyme technology for better value addition.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (February 2007- January 2009)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 20, 64,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Chemical processing
Place of Research: -Wool Research Association, Thane.
Target Beneficiary: - Woollen Industry

Abstract & Highlight: -

From the work carried at WRA, it is observed that enzymatic solutions as a standalone step or jointly with other treatments such as scouring, dyeing and finishing are possible. However enzyme Lipase oriented scouring and carbonisation proved successful. Scouring trials were taken upto industrial level on Merino and Indian wool at comparative cost in comparison with conventional method. For wool and other animal hair usually proteolytic enzymes are employed. The treatment can be carried out in acidic, neutral or alkaline medium depending on activity & pH range best suited, Stability of the enzyme and, its activity in presence of other chemicals like oxidizing and reducing agents, acids and alkalis, nonionic, anionic and cationic surfactants which has to be kept in mind to achieve success in an accelerated manner, the desired targets during the treatment.

As per the objectives of project Enzyme Oriented Solutions in the early stage processing of wool for finer variety of wool produced in the country mainly for scouring & carbonisation were successfully attempted at laboratory level and upscaled to industrial level. However, the carbonisation process is well taken and poised for implementation at common facility centre under H.P. Federation processing unit at Palampur, under a set up for rapid acidification & multi phase crusting of carbonized burrs. Similarly, enzymatic solution for finishing of products for better aesthetic, feel & handle is poised for implementation at another common facility centre at Rampur Bushair (H.P.) Trials with plasma treated Angora products for smoothening & soft handle were also successful with enzymatic treatment at this centre.

20) To synthesize wool dyes with moth proofing properties.

Project Duration: - 18 Month (February 2008 - July 2009)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 29, 50,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Textile Chemistry
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane
Target Beneficiary: - Woollen Industry

Abstract & Highlight: -

Presently moth proofing is carried out along with dyeing with various moth proofing agents, the method of application is done generally by exhaust and also by pad batch technique. The fastness properties of moth resist agent are of prime importance, as they are absorbed by the fibre through entrapment and likely to bleed during the conditions of wear causing long term deleterious effects. The idea of combining toxic components with colour and chemical constitution in the structure to the optimum level, would lead to better fastness properties and to provide single bath application. Dyes have been synthesized for assessing moth proof activity, and patent pending.

Research findings

New dyes have been synthesized by incorporating the toxic components in the structure of the dye. This was effected by diazotizing amino benzene ethers and its reactions with the coupling compounds to yield dye molecules. The moth proofing effects of these synthesized dyes studied by level feeding test of the dyed woolen fabrics using these dyes.

21) Setting up of process line for decentralized sector for wool/eri-silk blend

Project Duration: -24 Month (June 2004 - May 2006)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 57, 81,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Decentralized Sector
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane
Target Beneficiary: - Woollen Industry and spun silk industry

Abstract & Highlight: -

For the first time, spinning of eri silk/wool blended yarn and various value added products were developed in the country. A range of spinning machineries were developed, designed, fabricated and installed at WRA. A new avenue for utilization of indigenous wild eri silk was opened. The silk producers to make high priced products like suiting’s, knitted garments, etc Negotiation for commercialization is in progress with woollen suiting manufacturers.

22) Optimization of process parameters for wool /silk blends spinning.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (June 2004- May 2006)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 29, 38,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Woollen Technology
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

For the first time, spinning of eri silk/wool blended yarn and various value added products were developed in the country. A range of spinning machineries were developed, designed, fabricated and installed at WRA. A new avenue for utilization of indigenous wild eri silk was opened. The silk producers to make high priced products like suiting’s, knitted garments, etc Negotiation for commercialization is in progress with woollen suiting manufacturers.

23) Investigation of herbs, belladona, need and custard apple seeds as effective moth proofing.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (October 2001- September 2003)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 29, 00,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Technology development
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

Extracts from neem, Belladona & Custard applie was applied on woollen fabric with various proportions and evaluated against moth attack. However, the efficacy was poor and impregnation was temporary.

24) To develop woollen carding machine of 40" width to process coarser Indian wool for cottage industry.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (October 2001- September 2003)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: -- Rs. 26, 71,000.00/-)
Contact Person: - Director, Wool research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Co-operative Spinning/Weaving Societies for Kambals from Decanni Wool
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

New types of shorter width woollen card for smaller spinners having limited requirements of production was specifically designed, fabricated and installed, integrated with hand spinners.

25) Dyeing of wool, Angora and Pashmina at low temperature.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (October 2001- September 2003)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 21, 47,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: -Dyeing
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane

Abstract & Highlight: -

R&D findings helped dyeing of wool, Angora and Pashmina by after chrome method eco-friendly and at sub-boil temperature without increasing the dyeing duration and cost.

26) To develop cotton core and wrapped woollen yarns on woollen spinning system and to study its suitability for products like dress material, furnishing and knitwear.

Project Duration: - 24 Months (July 1998- June 2001)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - : - Rs. 18, 16,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane
Target Beneficiary: - Woollen Industry

Abstract & Highlight: -

It was possible to develop fine woollen yarns out of woollen noils, short fine wool and wool rich synthetic waste blends. Technology of combining cotton and woollen system was developed to produce strong and fine yarn from waste fibres various products were also developed.

27) Development of innovative yarns and fabrics from elastomers (Lycra, natural rubber, nylon) blended with wool, cotton, acrylic for designing comfortable & fashion oriented garments.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (July 1998 - June 2001)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 26, 94,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane.
Area of Research: - Technology Development
Place of Research: - Wool Research Association, Thane.
Target Beneficiary: - Woollen Industry

Abstract & Highlight: -

Use of innovative process and new technologies in spinning, weaving, knitting were developed to design fashion oriented elastomeric comfortable garments. Unique combination of homo and hetero elastomeric yarn were developed for weaving and knitting.

28) To improve aesthetic value of worsted fabric by enzyme treatment.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (October 1999 - September 2001)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs. 15, 25,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane
Area of Research: - Technology Development
Place of Research: -Wool Research Association, Thane.
Target Beneficiary: - Woollen Industry

Abstract & Highlight: -

The project involved study and optimization of different types of enzymes to ensure desired properties like pilling, shrinkage, feel and handle. Besides treatment conditions like pH, temp., concentration, pre-treatment, etc were optimized predict performance of garments.

29) Development of different types of knitwear’s, outerwear’s, pullovers, knitted shawls from Repco spun self twist yarn by using wool and other fibres in suitable blends.

Project Duration: - 24 Month (July 2001- June 2003)
Amount Sanctioned By MOT, Govt. of India: - Rs 25, 19,000.00/-
Contact Person: - Director, Wool Research Association, Thane
Area of Research: - Technology Development
Place of Research: -Wool Research Association, Thane.
Target Beneficiary: - Knitwear Industry

Abstract & Highlight: -

Using a new yarn making technique, self twist yarn, high bulk acrylic yarn, self twist yarns with different types of continuous filaments, ST wrapped core spun yarn on Repco Spinning m/c by using different types of wooll and blended with synthetic fibres were developed. Member mills used the technology. Various products were developed.