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PPE Coverall Testing

PPEs Coveralls are used as barrier against infectious contaminated objects

  • Effective filter for the infectious contaminated objects
  • Barrier to stop cross contamination spread through various infections such as nosocomial infections, human fluid contaminants such as blood, perspiration, saliva, omit, semen, feces, urine and skin cells
  • Transmission of microorganisms through PPEs depends upon various factors such as
    1. Pore size (filtering capacity), Thickness, Repellency of PPE
    2. Morphology, size, shape and, adaptation of environment
    3. Surface tension, volume, viscosity and force
    4. Physical, thermal, chemical and environmental stresses
    5. Type of carriers (body fluids, sloughed skin cells, lint, dust, respiratory droplets and aerosolized molecules

WRA has created following Services for Meeting the current requirement of PPE items testing.

Test Parameter Test Method Sample Requirement
1. Fabric Weight ASTM D 3776/IS 1964/ISO 3801 0.25mts
2. Tensile Strength EN ISO 13934-1 0.5 mtrs
3. Tear Strength IS 6489/ISO 13937-1/ ISO 13937-2/ISO 13937-3 0.5 mtrs
4. Bursting Strength ISO 1396938-1/ISO 9073-5/IS 1966 0.5 mtrs
5. Seam/Joint Strength ISO 13935-1/ISO 13935-2 0.5 mtrs
6. Water Repellency AATCC 22/IS 390/ ISO 1920 0.5 mtrs
7. Impact Penetration AATCC 22 0.5 mtrs
8. Hydrostatic Head test ISO 811/AATCC 127 0.5 mtrs
9. Moisture Vappour Transmission Rate (MVTR) ASTM E 96 0.25 mtrs
10. Water Vapour Resistance (Ret)-breathability ISO 11092/ASTM F 1868 part B/ IS17334 Table I(x) 0.5 mtrs
11. Synthetic Blood Penetration ISO 16603/ ASTm F 1670/ IS16546 0.5 mtrs
12. Poresize ASTM D 6767 0.25 mtrs
13. Airpermeability ASTM D 737/ISO 9237 0.5 mtrs
14. Antistatic EN 1149-5 (Testing based on EN 1149-1) 0.5 mtrs
15. Resistance to ignition IS 6489/ISO 13937-1/ ISO 13937-2/ISO 13937-3 0.5 mtrs
16. Antimicrobial Testing AATCC 100 0.5 mtrs
Specification: ANSI / AAMI PB70
1. Water Impact Test AATCC 42 0.5mtrs
2. Hydrostatic Head Test AATCC 127 0.5 mtrs
3. synthetic blood penetration ASTM F 1670 0.25mtrs
4. Blood borne pathogen penetration resistance ASTM F 1671 --

BS EN ISO 13982-1: 2004 Protective clothing for use against solid particulates (Type 5 Clothing)

Test Parameter Test Method Sample Requirement
1. Cleaning (Pretreatment)
(Applicable only if material is washable)
Five cycles of cleaning according to the manufacturer's
instructions before testing, if the manufacturer's
instructions indicate that the garment can be cleaned
2. Abrasion Resistance EN 530 0.25 meter
3. Flex Cracking EN ISO 7854 0.25 mtrs
4. Trapezoidal tear resistance EN ISO 9073-4/ ASTM D5733 0.50 mtrs
5. Puncture Resistance EN 863 0.25 mtrs
6. Resistance to ignition EN 13274-4 0.5 mtrs
4.2.2 Seams, joins and assemblages (Applicable only for garment) EN ISO 13935-2 0.5 mtrs
specimens with seam at center
4.3 Inward leakage of aerosols & solid particles (Only for Garment) as per ISO 13982-2 Not possible
4.4 Visor ISO 13982-1 Not possible
Specification: EN 14325:2004 (Chemical protective clothing general requirements)
1. Abrasion Resistance EN 530 up to 10000 rubs 0.25 mtrs
2. Trapezoidal Test Strength EN ISO 9073-4 0.5 mtrs
3. Tensile Strength EN ISO 13934-1 0.5 mtrs
4. Puncture resistance EN 863 0.25 mtrs
5. Flex Cracking EN ISO 7854 Up to 25000 cycles Up to 50000
cycles Up to 1,00,000 cycles
0.25 mtrs
Specification: EN 13034, Type 6 Suit
4.4 Abrasion Resistance EN 530 up to 10000 rubs 0.25mtrs
4.7 Trapezoidal Test Strength EN ISO 9073-4 0.5 mtrs
4.9 synthetic blood penetration EN ISO 13934-1 0.5mtrs
4.10 Puncture resistance EN 863 0.25mtrs
4.12 Repellency of Liquid EN ISO 6530 2mtrs
4.13 Resistance to penetration by liquids EN ISO 6530 2mtrs
4.14 Resistance to ignition EN 13274-4 0.5mtrs
Specification EN 13795 : 2011
1. Resistance to microbial penetration(Dry) ENISO 22612 Not possibel
2. Resistance to microbial penetration(Wet) ENISO 22610 Not possible
3. Cleanliness-microbial ENISO 11737-1 Not possible
4. Cleanliness-particulate matter ENISO 9073-10 Not possible
5. Resistance to liquid penetration EN 20811 0.5mtr
6. Bursting strength (Dry) ENISO 13938-1 0.25mtr
7. Bursting strength (Wet) ENISO 13938-1 0.25mtr
8. Tensile strength (Dry) EN 29073-3 0.5mtr
10. Tensile strength (Wet) EN 29073-3 0.5mtr