Ongoing Projects
Ongoing Projects / Central Wool Development Board
- Sustainable Enhancement of Aesthetic Values of Woolens by Digital Printing.
- Development, Application and Benchmarking of Eco Friendly Moth Repellent and Moth Proofing Finish for Woolen Textiles.
- Development of sustainable and biodegradable mulching for agrotextiles application using deccani wool
fiber with added functionality using plant micronutrient.
- “Utilization of Indian Coarse Wool as insulating Material for Building Construction as a Green Building Material
and Comparison of such coarse wool based developed products against conventional materials like glass wool/rock wool.”
- "Design & Development of Wool (Special fibres & blends) based Novel Denim Fabric with Multifunctional properties
such as moisture management, anti-microbial etc. using ecofriendly finishing techniques.”