'Wool Research Association- Textile Testing Lab', is a Third party Textile Testing Laboratory accredited by NABL for complying with ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 and INTERWOLLABS, Bradford for the analysis of wool fibre diameter and length. The Laboratory is well equipped with all the modern State of the Art testing instruments to undertake testing work of all kinds of textiles in any form.
The laboratory is committed to carry out its quality testing activities conforming to the requirements of different national or International standard test methods or validated In-house methods, with the help of trained and competent personnel, to the entire satisfaction of the customers in a professional & impartial manner.
OFDA -100

Measures fiber diameter in a rapid and precise way with higher accuracy of test results.
Standard Test Methods we can follow : IWTO – 47, ASTM D6500

Measures mean fiber length in terms of Hauteur & Barbe and distribution of fiber length.
Standard Test Method we can follow : IWTO – 17
Dry Guarded Hot Plate

Determine the Thermal Conductivity and Resistivity of Textiles on dry state.
Standard Test Methods we can follow :- ASTM D1518 (Option 1 & 2), ASTM F1868, ISO 11092 (Dry method), ISO 8302
Weathering Fastness Tester

Measures Light Fastness & Weathering Fastness of all kind of Textiles.
Standard Test Methods we can follow :- ISO 105 B02/B04/B06/B07/B10, AATCC 16/169
Wascator FOM 71

This microprocessor based instrument can measures the shrinkage of textile fabrics or garments during washing.
Standard Test Methods we can follow :- ISO 6330/5077, TWC TM 31
Siro Fast

Siro FAST is a system of objective measurements for assessing the appearance, handle and performance properties of fabrics, using an integrated set of instruments and test methods.

The most advance instrument used for measurement of colour, shade difference, whiteness and yellowness etc. of Textiles.
Standard Test Methods we can follow :- ASTM E313, CIE
WRA Decision Rule Policy

For routine testing, WRA Laboratory does not give any test report with pass or fail comment and hence, measurement uncertainty (MU) is not calculated for samples covered under this category.
If laboratory offers testing against a national or international specifications, however, it does not report the results as pass / fail or comply / not-comply, but instead issues the numerical values then measurement uncertainty (MU) is not calculated . In such a case WRA lab is not actually determining whether the item tested conforms (i.e. it is not making a statement of conformity), but instead is providing the result to the customer for them to determine compliance. However, if any client asks for measurement uncertainty (MU) then lab provides measurement uncertainty (MU) to client so that the customer can make an informed decision especially
If results fall around the specification cut-off limits.
If client asks for test report with clear compliance statement like pass or fail against a specification or client requirements then laboratory gives compliance statement after considering measurement uncertainty (MU) especially if results fall around the specification cut-off limits.Laboratory does not give any compliance statement without reference of specification or if client has not given any requirement.
In case of qualitative test parameters, laboratory gives compliance statement without considering measurement uncertainty (MU).
WRA laboratory does not give any opinion or interpretation of test data with NABL accreditation.